Last Thursday a group of us went hiking up Mt Washburn in Yellowstone. Jan works next door to the cafe at Buns and Beds. Carol and Barbara are summer residents.
We met in Silvergate at 9am. Jan drove into the park and an hour later we were at the Chittenden road parking area where the trail up Mt Washburn starts. It was a glorious day. Sunny, (I left my sunscreen in my car) warm, no wind. A perfect fall day.
We strolled up the trail that used to be a road. We saw a band of sheep on the ridge and grouse below us on the hill. The Clark's Nutcrackers were out in force. It took about 2 hours to climb the 3 miles to the Lookout.
We ate our lunch, talked to the ranger (who had saved a friend of Barbara's from a heart attack 2 years ago), looked at the new fire and decided that Barbara would go back the way we came and the rest of us would go down the other side. Barbara was going to get the car and drive to pick us up. She had done both sides before and the rest of us had not.
We had a great view of the fire that really started to put up a column as the day got warmer. Yellowstone Lake was in front of us in the distance. Good company, great day, and my new hiking shoes were wonderful.