Thursday, August 21, 2008

The View

This is the view when I drive to CC from the ranch (from the east). The pointy one is Pilot Butte. I need to stop a little further down the road and catch the Clark's Fork of the Yellowstone river in the picture also. Too beautiful!!

Hurricane Ranch digs

This is the house (for you jealous people) that I am enjoying. I am staying in the bedroom over the porch, skylight included. It is open to the living room with floor to ceiling windows that look out at the view from the last post.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This is what I see out the windows and from the deck. Maybe a picture of the house itself tomorrow. I will be sad to leave. (Other than not having dogs wake me up 15 times a night.) I wish that we could have a reunion here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hurricane Mesa Ranch

I fell into a house/dog watching job. While waiting tables at the cafe in Cooke City, (hereafter called CC) I met some people who are part owners in a beautiful ranch at Crandall, Wy. I watch their 2 evil little cocker spaniels. They will be gone from Aug 5 thru Aug 22. I took some pictures, but haven't figured out how to get them here. You should be glad that you cannot see how truly gorgeous this place is.

One of the other workers at the cafe (Ilona from Romania) and I went to Cody today and looked through all of the fun stores there. She was wondering how many days she would have to work for a pair of cowboy boots. Suffice it to say it was a couple. I introduced her to scrapbooking, and the quilt store. She read a book on the porch there. I, however, had a very good time. She decided that the dogs are indeed evil when they dug through her bag and ate the sandwich that she brought for dinner. Then again at 2:30am when they tore out the doggie door to bark in the yard just outside her room.

This would be such fun without the dogs. I am trying to figure out how I can stay here all winter without the dogs. I could do next summer too, if I got acquainted with the wrangler and could ride the horses. Let me know if you think of how I could accomplish that.

Till next time. Maybe pictures soon